Legal Insights for Strategic Success

At MINK, we’re committed to keeping you informed and empowered.

Our team of seasoned attorneys shares valuable insights on the critical legal issues shaping today’s world, offering a clear perspective on how they impact both your business and personal life.

Why Choose MINK? Our Results Speak for Us

When it comes to selecting a law firm, the options can seem endless. However, there's only one MINK, and the difference is clear in the success stories we share with our clients. Our proven track record isn't just about numbers; it's about the lives and businesses we've impacted along the way.

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Meet the MINK Business Services Team: Your Strategic Legal Partners

At MINK, our Business Services division is spearheaded by three highly experienced attorneys: Ryan Newburn, Patrick Ivy, and Jedi Knight. Each brings a unique blend of expertise, strategic insight, and dedication to ensuring your business thrives in today’s competitive landscape.

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Why Should You Choose a Law Firm that Provides Both Personal and Business Legal Services?

At MINK, we often encounter a common misconception: the belief that you need separate legal experts for your personal and business needs. In reality, this separation can lead to disjointed strategies and overlooked opportunities. Here’s why a comprehensive approach, like the one we offer at MINK, benefits you:

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Get Your Free "Essential Legal Coverage Checklist"

This comprehensive checklist includes everything you need to ensure you're legally covered, from estate planning to business setup. It covers both business and personal needs, helping you protect your interests and secure your future as you move forward.